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Industry Internship is an integral part of the academic curricula. Its satisfactory completion is a mandatory requirement for the degree to be awarded. Further, depending upon the curriculum structure, multiple internships may be required in summers and/or winters, and maybe assigned academic credits/grades within the curricula. The general structure of the internship (s) requires the student to integrate the knowledge and skills acquired through the course work; interact with professionals and other interns; and to improve the presentation, writing and communication skills.


The Internship aims to achieve the following for the students:

1. Learning’s as students apply their analytical, integrative, team skills in the workplace

2. Networking opportunities with people from industry/organizations

3. Calibration of post-degree career plans based on real-life work exposure

4. Pre-placement offers where feasible/appropriate


Generally, when it is a part of the curriculum, the Internship is mandatory. It is normal for a minimum duration to be at least eight weeks once during the penultimate year of the program. Typically, summer internships start around May every year and the durations range between six to eight weeks. In case the duration of an internship needs to be extended, it would be necessary for the student to obtain a prior written approval from the Institute.


• The student applicant must be valid l year enrolled in Nilasaila Institute of Science &Technology.

• The Nilasaila Institute of Science & Technology would facilitate internship placement of its students undergoing Diploma Engg. programme provided that the student has successfully completed their previous semester examinations and their conduct at the institute has been satisfactory throughout the program.

• Students with a percentage equivalent to 60 or higher, who have no back logs and who have not defaulted in paying the requisite fees to the Institute will be considered for internship placements assistance. Students are required to maintain a good record of attendance in their courses to be participate in internship placement(Guest Lectures/ Seminars/Conferences/ industry Visits etc.). Those having poor attendance record may not be permitted to participate in the internship placement process.

• Students are required to keep a track of the communications regarding the companies with Internship opportunities. If a student eligible as per the Job Description chooses not to apply for two (2) consecutive eligible internship postings, then it may validly imply that the student is not interested in pursuing the internship assistance process. In such cases, the student will be denied further internship assistance.


• The Placement Committee is responsible for operational zing the Internship Placement Process. At the commencement of each academic year, Institute will constitute a Placement Committee consisting of students and a faculty member to be nominated by the Head of the Institute.

• The Nilasaila Institute of Science &Technology will assist in organizing the internship opportunities for the students. The students are also encouraged to search for internships aligned to their specific career interests. Any such internship opportunities directly obtained by the student need to be approved by the Head of the Institute in writing before the student embarks upon the internship.

• In line with the Institute's intent to nurture the spirit of entrepreneurship, the Nilasaila Institute of Science& Technology will support students working on their own ventures in lieu of industry internships if these are formally approved by the Head of the respective department and are conducted under respective faculty mentors.

  • All students who are eligible and are required to undergo internships must fill an Internship registration form.
  • Students must complete the minimum duration of internships specified in the
  • The students must complete the requisite paper work, including project reports, presentations in the prescribed formats (if any), and obtain the completion certificates from the sponsoring organizations adhering to minimum specified duration of internship.


  • Students should aim at working with such organizations, institutions or start-ups who provide challenging learning opportunities and avoid choosing he organizations solely based on hometown convenience or stipend.
  • The Nilasaila Institute of Science& Technology expects that all students will adhere to the proper standards of intellectual honesty and professional propriety in their conduct. Students are advised not to do anything directly or indirectly which may create a poor impression about the Institute. Any student found disregarding any of the norms would be liable for disciplinary
  • The students should abide by the dress code and other professional norms of their Internship organization. Punctuality is a quality that is appreciated by professionals across all
  • Any act of non-cooperation or manipulation with the sponsor in organization's selection process; and/or misconduct or acts of dishonesty are liable to withdrawal of Internship at the Institute's sole and absolute discretion. Refusal to attend selection process, refusal to join the selected organization, demanding special privilege so negotiating with the sponsoring organizations for locations, job profiles or stipend, and any such behavior that can be considered as unprofessional would invite disciplinary action besides withdrawal from internship placement process.
  • Students must abide by the applicable policies and norms of the sponsoring organization during the period of internship.
  • The Nilasaila Institute of Science &Technology cannot be held responsible for any delay in commencement of internship as these are left to the internal regulations and guidelines of the sponsoring organization.
  • Student who does not accept an offer or fail to join the assigned organization will not be eligible for placement assistance from the Nilasaila Institute of Science & Technology.
  • If a student gets a pre-placement offer (PPO) from an Organization, he/she will be considered as campus placed and will not eligible for further placement assistance from the Nilasaila Institute of Science &


During the internship, the reporting officers within the industry organizations as sign specific projects to the student interns. Each student will be assigned a faculty mentor from the respective department depending on the project domain and the type of organization. The projects will be performed under the direct supervision of the Reporting manager and will receive guidance from the faculty mentor. The following process is envisaged:

  1. Faculty mentor will be assigned for each student by the Head of the respective
  2. The allocation of faculty mentor shall seek to obtain a match with the faculty expertise areas, to allow interaction between the faculty and the industry. Such interactions are expected to lead to collaborations for research, executive education, and consultancy projects etc. and are viewed as beneficial to the faculty members of the Nilasaila Institute of Science & Technology.
  3. Upon the allocation, Placement Office will communicate with the organization and introduce the assigned faculty to the organization as well as to the student interns.
  4. During this course, several interactions between the Faculty and the organization are expected. These can be conducted through multiple modes such as email, phone, video, or in-person as may be expedient/appropriate.
  5. While there is no explicit guideline about the number of interactions, the following interactions are envisaged:
    • Initiation stage: Placement Office will introduce the reporting manager of the sponsoring organization to the Nilasaila Institute of Science& Technology's faculty mentor. The faculty mentor will interact with the reporting manager and set expectations about the Objectives, Scope, Methodologies to be followed, and Deliverables from the internship. The student intern will prepare a short write-up documenting these elements and get it signed by both the reporting manager of the sponsoring organization &the Faculty mentor.
    • Mid-term check point: Faculty Mentor will conduct amid-term review of the progress of the internships-typically around 4-5 weeks after commencement. After the review, the Faculty Mentor shall prepare a mid-term progress report.
    • Closure: At the end of the internship, the student intern shall prepare a report and may be optionally required to make a presentation to the organization. As a proof of completion of internship, the student intern will obtain a letter of completion from the Organization showing the performance evaluation in terms of OS (Outstanding), EE (Exceeds expectations), ME (Met expectations), and BE (Below expectations).The student intern shall submit the letter and the report to the Faculty and Placement Office upon arrival at the campus. The Faculty shall engage the organization to receive the feedback and record the same. Based on the data as described herein, the Faculty mentor shall assign an appropriate rating/grade as per the grading norms of the department.

6. Where possible, the Faculty mentor should make at least one visit to the workplace of the student for a meeting with the organization to review the progress made by the student and to build up long term relationship between the Institute and the organization.

7. Absenteeism, premature abandonment, non-submission of reports, misconduct at the work place is some examples of serious misconduct during the internship. In case the student intern is found to have indulged in such misconduct, then be/she is liable for disciplinary actions which may also include: Cancellation of internship, withdrawal of final placement assistance etc.