The Engineering Curriculum demands dedicated and sustained efforts from every student. As a result, our students remain busy with their studies throughout the year. Nevertheless, realizing the importance of the sports and games in the overall development of the students, we have tried our best to provide sports & games facilities to them as much as we could. The institution arranges games and sports events annually in various events usually in the winter season. Last session annual sports events were 100, 200 m race 400 m relay race, long jump, high jump, slow cycle race, short put, volley ball, cricket, fast – slow walking , Kabadi as well as competition. Extensive and well laid out fields for sports and games are available in the campus for the students, Badminton courts, Cricket Pitch, Volleyball courts etc. facilities are available for the students. Arrangements will also be made in the current year for practice in meditation and logic exercises so that students can cope up with stresses and maintain excellent health. Our objective is to encourage students to participate in sports on a regular basis and develop a healthy and active lifestyle; to raise the sport performance standard among students; and to identify potential student athletes for further training.